
Sioux Valley Dakota Nation declares state of emergency, calls for mental health resources

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation declares state of emergency, calls for mental health resources

Dumas said it's especially important to make mental health a top priority during the pandemic, and support people who are struggling.

"There is no room for stigmatization in our Nations," he said. "Be socially distant, but do not forget about each other. Wear a mask, but be sure to speak kind words, even a little louder if necessary. Wash your hands regularly, but be sure to virtually lend a hand and virtually reach out to those in need."

Glo Center breaks mental health stigma during National Suicide Prevention Week

Glo Center breaks mental health stigma during National Suicide Prevention Week

“Thinking about how we address the needs of the LGBT population, it depends. Black LGBT youth are going to have certain struggles and issues they’re going to face. Latinx are going to have another set of unique challenges. We must take an intersectional approach when addressing mental health among this population” said Sherman-Wilkins.

TikTok collaborates with SPIF to launch mental health awareness campaign

TikTok collaborates with SPIF to launch mental health awareness campaign

A social media hashtag campaign is doing more than raising awareness. It's teaching users how to spot suicidal tendencies in others, so those in need can receive assistance and referrals.

"This initiative is aimed at mobilising the online community to play a part in preventing individuals from doing self-harm.

3-Digit National Suicide Hotline Number Could Double Calls, Reduce Stigma

3-Digit National Suicide Hotline Number Could Double Calls, Reduce Stigma

Even useful existing services can be improved to reach more people and normalize seeking help.

"We have a three-digit number for medical emergencies. … If we had one for psychological emergencies, people would know that they're real.”

Stigma Affects Everyone, Even Doctors

Stigma Affects Everyone, Even Doctors

According to a study by the American Psychiatric Association,

“Every year, 300-400 physicians die by suicide in the U.S. This statistic should make us all arc an eyebrow, considering physicians are there to save lives, not take their own.”

NAMI explains how stigma plays a role in the suicide rates of doctors and how important it is for medical professionals to speak out when they are struggling.

How Patient Suicide Affects Psychiatrists

How Patient Suicide Affects Psychiatrists

According to this article in The Atlantic, “Mental-health practitioners whose clients kill themselves can face stigma from their colleagues, lawsuits, and a toll on their own psyches—making them less likely to take on suicidal patients who need their help.” The article breaks down why this stigma occurs, how other providers perpetrate this stigma, and what barriers to care it creates.

Stigma Against Gay People Can Be Deadly

The Anti-Stigma Project defines Double Stigma as: how the stigma associated with race, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc. is compounded by an additional layer of stigma related to behavioral health challenges. This article from the New York Times illustrates how stigma associated with the LGBTQIA+ experience can affect behavioral health and access to behavioral health services, and the strong psycho-social impacts of removing that stigma. Click the title to access the full article from the New York Times.

Talking about depression can be hard for Asian Americans, but services can help

This piece explores suicide and depression in the Asian American population, identifying suicide “as the ninth leading cause of death among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the 10th leading cause of all deaths in the U.S.”