Myths and facts

Mental Health in Later Life: A Guidebook

The Mental Health Association of Maryland is fighting distorted perceptions around mental health and aging with this educational guidebook. It covers a wide array of topics for older adults and caregivers alike, offering great information about brain health and some of the challenges that may come later in life.

Click the title to access the full PDF version or head to for more information on aging, behavioral health, or how to start a "Guidebook Study Group" to help bring this important information to your community. Click Read More to access some of our favorite Guidebook quotes, formatted perfectly for sharing on social media and beyond.

Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations

The American Psychiatric Association has compiled 9 factsheets around mental health in diverse populations, which “provide a snapshot of the current state of mental health of minority populations and some factors that may contribute to mental health disparities among these groups.”

Busting the Myths About Eating Disorders

“There are many myths about the causes of eating disorders, how serious they are, and who develops an eating disorder.” This list from the National Eating Disorder Association outlines some of the most common questions and distorted perceptions around eating disorders and the facts to set them straight.

Drug Facts: Sex and Gender Differences in Substance Use

​​​​​​​“It can be hard for any person with a substance use disorder to quit. But women in particular may be afraid to get help during or after pregnancy due to possible legal or social fears and lack of child care while in treatment. Women in treatment often need support for handling the burdens of work, home care, child care, and other family responsibilities.”

Commentary: Assumption of Mental Illness in Shooters Growing, Wrong

"As the perceived frequency of mass shootings becomes ever more alarming, the knee-jerk assumption that gunmen have mental health conditions has become routine. Even mainstream broadcast news outlets react to mass shootings by immediately having psychiatrists or other mental health professionals on as guests as if to corroborate the public's collective psychiatric diagnosis of each perpetrator. But let's look at the facts."