
Media Resources from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Find best practice recommendations for covering suicide in the press, explanation of common terms used when talking about suicide prevention, as well as Lifeline logos, brochures, and materials that can help you raise awareness online.

National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide

“Studies have shown that both news reports and fictional accounts of suicide in movies and television can lead to increases in suicide. In contrast, when depictions are done responsibly, the media can help to encourage help seeking, dispel myths, and reinforce hope – and ultimately save lives.”

Study: Cops, Firefighters More Likely to Die by Suicide Than in Line of Duty

The Ruderman Family Foundation conducted a nationwide study that resulted in the troubling conclusion that first responders are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. ““The white paper also goes on to lay out several barriers that prevent first responders from accessing necessary mental health services to help them cope with trauma.”

Breaking the Stigma Around Eating Disorders, One Story at a Time

“The truth about eating disorders is more complex, more fascinating, and far more serious than most people realize.  But those who have recovered realize it.  Recovery gives us a golden opportunity to tell this truth, to voice our stories, and to break the stigma that surrounds one of the most disabling illnesses of our times.”

Social Media: A Double Edged Sword for Combating Stigma

We live in a world where our personal use of social media has the potential to impact hundreds of people- for better or for worse. This DP Original article explores how social media can both be a tool for raising awareness and perpetuating stigma through misinterpretation, no matter how well-intentioned our post may be.



In response to Child Mind Institute’s #MyYoungerSelf challenge in May 2018, “actors, athletes, social influencers, businesspeople and more sent messages of hope about their experience growing up with a mental health or learning disorder.” Although their May 2018 campaign focused on prominent role models, their campaign continues today, including video responses from people everywhere!

My Friendship With A Heroin User Showed Me Just How Judgmental I Was

Read along as Katie Horneshaw confronts an Australian media outlet’s portrayal of heroin addiction and challenges some of the distorted perceptions around addiction. This article may be rooted in Australia, but it’s message of empathy is inspiring no matter where in the world you’re located.

For women, heavy drinking has been normalized. That’s dangerous.

“The rise in hazardous drinking among women is not all due to the ads. But the ads have played a role in creating a cultural climate that says it’s funny when women drink heavily…”