
Teens are using TikTok to talk about mental health, relationship abuse, and sexuality

Teens are using TikTok to talk about mental health, relationship abuse, and sexuality

By bravely sharing their experiences via TikTok, teens are offering each other support and in the process destigmatizing all kinds of issues.

"It’s about thriving with whatever circumstances that they've been dealt.”

New Legislation - Mental Health Education in schools

When school health curriculum fails to address behavioral health, it further contributes to the feeling that a student’s mental health is not as important as their physical health. This article looks at new legislation proposals that would require mental health to be included in the larger health curriculum. This is vital in reducing stigma for students who wish to discuss their emotional well-being or seek treatment, and ensuring that they have a right to health without restrictions or shame.

Mental Health Days in Schools

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for ages 15-34 in the state of Maryland. In Maryland and across the nation, stigma around behavioral health has left many school policies lacking in how students are able to handle their emotional needs. This article from NPR highlights a proposed solution in Oregon extending excused absences for students that need to take sick days for mental health. Click the title for the full article from NPR.

Personal Story: Maria, Social Anxiety

In this interview for Deconstructing Stigma, Maria shares about her 12 year history with social anxiety disorder. As a child she was selectively mute, talking only to family. Today she is managing her condition and working towards her college degree. Click the title to access the full story.

Hiding to avoid rejection causes anxiety, fear, and isolation

A shareable graphic for social media, websites, and beyond. “Many LGBT people—particularly youth and seniors—experience higher rates of rejection, bullying, harassment, general mistreatment and even violence from the people and institutions that should be protecting them,” says Delores A. Jacobs, chief executive officer of the San Diego LGBT Community Center. “The enormous effort of… hiding in order to avoid rejection from their families, employers, churches, schools, friends and neighbors can create an even greater sense of anxiety, fear and isolation.”

"I Am/Was Homeless" - Mental Health and Stable Housing VIDEO

“After being homeless for a period of time, a homeless person gains a mental illness, if nothing else the depression or anxiety that goes with it... we stay exhausted physically because we’re exhausted psychologically and mentally.” Three Redding residents who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness shed light on the connection between mental wellness and stable housing. Watch this short, 8 minute video to learn more about their stories.

They Called Me Crack Baby, So Why am I in College?

“I don't know if I was born with drugs in my body or not. But my mom used drugs while she was pregnant with me. So it wasn't long before kids at school were calling me a 'crack baby.'"

How pupil power makes schools more open about mental health issues

“With one in 10 children between the ages of five and 16 dealing with diagnosable mental health issues, it’s not enough to simply educate teachers. Students also need to be empowered on the issues and take the lead in helping build a safe and open environment for discussion of mental health in schools.”