Study: Cops, Firefighters More Likely to Die by Suicide Than in Line of Duty


The Ruderman Family Foundation conducted a nationwide study that resulted in the troubling conclusion that first responders are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. “The white paper also goes on to lay out several barriers that prevent first responders from accessing necessary mental health services to help them cope with trauma. Experts describe the shame and stigma surrounding mental health within professions that prioritize bravery and toughness, and the public remains largely unaware of these issues, since the vast majority of first responder suicides are not covered by the mainstream media. Additionally, of the 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the United States, approximately 3-5% have suicide prevention training programs.”

Follow the “Source” link to access the Ruderman Family Foundation’s study, or head over to NBC Chicago for a brief article on Chicago’s experience with first responder suicide.